Sunday, 30 August 2020

Week 17 comments

So big changes to the blog this week. This is the first weekly update 😃

So other than a fantastic news week I also had a little wobble, but that was soon solved. Worked out what I was craving and worked it into my food plan for the week. Put me over on my salt but not by much! and doing it on a weekly plan rather than sharing daily doesnt show a huge swing on one day. 

Once said craving was sated I felt so much better and felt ready to move on with the next 3 months 💪

No new foods this week; working on a new menu to include more plant based foods and reduce my meat input. The fish I eat tends to be from a sustainable source and rich in Omega 3/6s so Im not ready to limit those yet, with my Liver still healing. 

Started walking to and from work this week too, got a bit hairy with some of the weather! but after a few days of not really doing my walking, even post meals, I felt very lazy/complacent and wanted to kick my own butt!

Im really starting to notice the weight loss in my clothes, not so much my face, though others do! and in strange places like my feet going a smaller size! and obviously my boobs are looking less voluptuous and more "tangerines in socks" at the moment! but the fat is shifting around on my body! no need for skin surgery just yet 😛

Still got a fair way to go, but the novelty of loss has not yet waned and my menu is still very varied. 

So, onwards and downwards for another week.

Week 17

Saturday, 29 August 2020

What is Insulin Resistance and HbA1C?


HbA1c is your average blood glucose (sugar) levels for the last three months. If you have diabetes, an ideal HbA1c level is 48mmol or below.

HbA1c is what’s known as glycated haemoglobin. This is something that’s made when the glucose (sugar) in your body sticks to your red blood cells. Your body can’t use the sugar properly, so more of it sticks to your blood cells and builds up in your blood. Red blood cells are active for around 2-3 months, which is why the reading is taken quarterly.

HbA1c can change for lots of reasons, including:

  • being unwell
  • medicines, like steroids
  • changes in lifestyle
  • feeling very stressed or depressed.

Remission is when a person with type 2 diabetes has healthy blood glucose levels for the long-term, without taking any diabetes medications. An HbA1c level of 48mmol (6.5%) or less is used to define remission.

For the majority of healthy individuals without diabetes a normal blood sugar level is less that 45mmol.

Insulin resistance 

The role of insulin is to allow cells of the body to take in glucose to be used as fuel or stored as body fat. 

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don't respond well to insulin and can't easily take up glucose from your blood. As a result, your pancreas makes more insulin to help glucose enter your cells.

It also means that glucose is more likely to build up in the blood and this can lead to too high blood sugar levels. Causing alsorts of damage to tissues and cells.

Obesity and/or an inactive lifestyle, and a diet high in carbohydrates are the primary causes of insulin resistance.

It is certainly possible to reduce the effects of insulin resistance and there are a number of effective ways to do this.

  • Low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets
  • Very-low-calorie diets
  • Weight loss surgery
  • Taking a lot of exercise in combination with a healthy diet

28th August 2020

So with amazing results this week..... Info to follow, I have made a few changes to my Blog.

At the start of the week I spoke with the Dietician who basically gave me a Gold Star!

Im doing everything correctly, setting achievable goals and hitting them. 

Advice: Continue on with the current plan!

Then I had my blood tests done and the results were fantastic!

My overall/joined Lipid levels were 1.9; in the lower range of normal!   My Liver is healing - clotting factor is still a bit squiffy, but that is the Covid+ damage lingering.

My antibody test came back as positive too, which is brilliant - 6 months on and I have a good immune response 😀

Finally my HbA1C (see my post on "What is an HbA1C)  was down to 36; thats not just lower, its not just pre-diabetic its within a NORMAL range!!

I am in FULL remission, so she will monitor me again in 6 months, if it stays that way then I will go to yearly!!

She was highly impressed. 😸

So now the goal is primarily weight loss to keep my insulin resistance at bay, heal my Liver, relax my joints and generally be healthy!

So with these fabulous results I am changing my Blog to weekly. Weekly & Monthly stats - with a weekly update on how I have done during the week, new menu choices, new foods discovered, pitfuls, exercise updates and the odd post on various Thoughts & Opinions!

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

26th August 2020

Feeling much better today, more in control!  Got up early as had a work meeting, thought I would give walking IN to work a whirl!  Got there ok but meeting was cancelled! so after a quick chat with people I dont tend to see on nights I walked home again!! It was a really positive feeling knowing that I CAN do all that walking and not feel half dead after!! SO starting Friday I will be aiming to walk to and from work! 👍

Breakfast when I finally got home was scrambled eggs on pitta with smoked salmon  💓

Lunch was a mussel salad with cherries and mixed berries in greek yogurt. - sadly I forgot to take a picture. 😕

Dinner was a new trial of Rainbow Bolagnaise!

Basically a bucket of colourful veg with mince (5%) which I hope to wean us all on to Quorn mince soon with a jar of Low Fat Dolmio sauce (surprisingly this is lower in sugar/cals than the low sugar jar!!) 

you will note that cals and fat content were under today - its the week view, not just the day I focus on 😀

Cals 1263

Carbs 90

Protein 142.2

Sugar 45.6

Fat 36.4

Fibre 20.8

25th August 2020

 Went a bit over on the cals and fat today, was feeling very munchy, probably post night shift as I was also not able to sleep much and feeling a bit wiggy.

Breakfast was pitta with cheese spread and marmite before falling into bed.

Lunch was leftover tomato soup, mixed nuts, cherries and a FibreOne cake bar.

Dinner kept changing, in the end we had chicken & pepper curry, I had a bag of chopped kale with mine to try and fill me up..... I went to bed early instead!

Cals 1486

Carbs 109.4

Protein 108.9

Sugar 50.8

Fat 66

Fibre 32.4

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

24th August 2020

Post night shift home to a pitta with cheese spread and marmite, some seafood sticks, berries & yogurt before falling into bed.

Grilled spicy chicken with warm lettuce (this is now a firm fav)  with tomato soup and Alpen bar.

My normal 4am snack of boiled egg, lettuce and Alpen bar is at the ready!

 Cals 1398

Carbs 131.9

Protein 109.3

Sugar 52

Fat 45.4

Fibre 26.5

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Month 4


Week 16


23rd August 2020

 Pre night shift, two meal split 😄

Brunch was poached eggs with cheese spread on granary toast with ham slices.

Dinner  was grilled chicken with lettuce, Alpen bar, mixed berries with greek yogurt.... I didnt have enough room for the tomato soup 😕

My usual work snack for 4am munchies!

Cals 1400

Carbs 114

Protein 109.7

Sugar 43.4

Fat 52.5

Fibre 29.7

22nd August 2020

 Breakfast with the Hubby was marmite and cheese spread on wholemeal pitta with ham slices, followed by berries and greek yogurt.

Lunch was tuna salad (tuna was mixed with greek yogurt, no mayo!) with a FibreOne cake square after 😀 with some mixed nuts

Dinner was fajitas - mine was as a salad, Hubby had his with wraps.

Cals 1381

Carbs 104.6

Protein 116.7

Sugar 61.1

Fat 53.4

Fibre 24.5

Saturday, 22 August 2020

21st August 2020

 Brunch was Tuna with greek yogurt, spring onions, peppers, cucumber all mixed on a wholemeal pitta, with some "fish sticks",  berries and greek yogurt and an Alpen bar - stuffed!

Dinner was Burger in a Bowl..... sadly Hubby and I got the munchies in the late evening and we "found" some sausages in the fridge, super sadly we felt very sick after eating them due to the fat content and late night eating!  but also horah!

Cals 1357

Carbs 98.5

Protein 149.8

Sugar 45.6

Fat 39.1

Fibre 20.1

20th August 2020

Brunch was poached eggs with Heck! paprika chicken sausages - uber low fat but really great taste! had these with wholemeal pitta and cheese spread. Also added an Alpen bar.

Dinner was a huge plate of veggies with left over grilled cajun chicken.

Some ham slices snuck in somewhere during the day! 

Cals 1349

Carbs 64.9

Protein 141.9

Sugar 22.8

Fat 54

Fibre 13.4

19th August 2020

 Yummy scrambled eggs with smoked salmon for breakfast.

Lunch was a pickled herring salad  with seaweed salad.

For dinner I had some girlfriends over - all on diets and all with various food issues!

One is a vegan, another is a veggie but will eat chicken when out! and my final friend is on an intolerance check so her allowance on food is very limited at the moment whilst she clears out her system and then reintroduces potential harmful foods..... and we are all on diets.

So the menu for the night was vegan burgers, totally yummy ones (fully pre tested!), with cajun spiced chicken thighs both wrapped in lettuce leaves and topped with a grilled pineapple ring.   Served these with BNS wedges and sweet potato oven fries.

My friend brought a fresh fruit pudding with a mutli choice of greek yogurt, lactose free cream and meringues.

The meal was a hit and the gossip was wonderful!

Felt good to see friends again AND enjoy a meal!

Cals 1423

Carbs 114.9

Protein 94.5

Sugar 69.4

Fat 62.4

Fibre 23.2

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

18th August 2020


Last night shift of this batch completed, it was a tough one!

Home to some marmite and cheese spread on wholemeal pitta before I headed off to do the food shopping.

Post a quick snooze (like an hour 😭) I did a quick clean of the house and had some lunch before walking into town with The Hubby.

Lunch was a mussel and tuna salad followed by a FibreOne cake bar.... very sweet but also a bit yummy.

Dinner was mousakka and mixed veggies before flopping on sofa waiting for bed!

Cals 1305

Carbs 105.5

Protein 136.2

Sugar 49.6

Fat 36.1

Fibre 25.8

Monday, 17 August 2020

17th August 2020

Home from work to cheese and marmite on wholemeal pitta with two hard boiled eggs.   Plain, yet simple and yummy.

Pre work dinner was my usual grilled chicken, warm salad with tomato soup. Berries with greek yogurt and two greengages.

 Cals 1371

Carbs 111.5

Protein 109.9

Sugar 49.9

Fat 50.6

Fibre 26.1

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Week 15


16th August 2020

 Post work munchies, treated myself to smoked salmon on scrambled eggs on wholemeal pitta.

After a lovely sleep I woke up to my usual grilled chicken, with warm lettuce, soup (chicken and chorizo), greek yogurt with berries and an Alpen bar.

Normal work snack of boiled egg, spinach and Alpen bar, with an added greengage!

Cals 1371

Carbs 85.8

Protein 118.7

Sugar 43

Fat 58.6

Fibre 23.5

15th August 2020

 Bit of a weird day. Ended up only having the one meal before work and then my work snack!

Dinner was chicken & chorizo soup, grilled chicken with spinach, Alpen bar, tangerine and greek 0% yogurt with berries.

Work was my usual boiled egg with spinach and an Alpen bar.

Cals 1103

Carbs 70.5

Protein 96.7

Sugar 51.1

Fat 44.7

Fibre 24.1

Friday, 14 August 2020

14th August 2020

Breakfast passed me by with chores and jobs!

Lunch was a pickled herring salad with seaweed salad. Some greek yogurt and berries.

Adam had noodles from town!

Dinner was another new try! szchuan aubergines! they were spicy 😜 with steak, broccoli, mushroom and pak choi.

I was a bit shocked to see my sugar for the day (although I tend to look over the week as an even out) the herring and seaweed on their own were 17.5g/15.9g on their own! 

 Cals 1288

Carbs 87.9

Protein 124.4

Sugar 72.4

Fat 46.8

Fibre 17.2

13th August 2020

 One of my fav' breakfasts - smoked salmon with scrambled eggs on pitta.

It was SO muggy yesterday that lunch was just nibbles. Edamama beans, Alpen bar & fruit.

Dinner was a new try - Mushroom Pizza!! a big hit again 😀 with salad and some paprika chicken Heck! sausages (super low in fat! but not taste!)

Cals 1410

Carbs 86.8

Protein 133.2

Sugar 43.6

Fat 56

Fibre 30.5

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

12th August 2020

Weather was horrific overnight, high temp and muggy, so very little sleep was had.

Waited til lunch time to eat, only because I wasnt hungry.

Lunch was grilled chicken with warm lettuce, a nectarine and mixed nuts. I didnt have the berries and yogurt as I was stuffed.

Dinner was spicy beef strips with loads of veggies.

 Cals 1077

Carbs 60.6

Protein 102.6

Sugar 46.6

Fat 47.2

Fibre 14.1

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

11th August 2020

 So today I made the decision to fast for 24hrs; basically I got fed up with my stomach telling me I was hungry, when I knew darn well I wasnt! How could I be hungry straight after eating.

So I thought I go back to the beginning and basically rethink my body/brain.  Dinner last night finished at 7.30pm and dinner tonight was around the same time.

Now I DID get hungry, I felt those gnawing pangs and my brain was often screaming at me, but I gulped water, squash and tea like I was drowning, kept myself busy and listened to my stomach. Thankfully it was 34C again today so I didnt really fancy any breakfast or lunch but by dinner I was getting a little fidgety for food.

Dinner was teriyaki salmon with salad, roasted BNS, broccoli and peppers.

I may try the same again tomorrow as Im not enjoying the hunger feeling, or it controlling me, but only if I feel ready/upto it.

Cals 609

Carbs 64.4

Protein 37.2

Sugar 39

Fat 21.3

Fibre 17.1

Monday, 10 August 2020

10th August 2020

Another hot day, small walks and some limited cleaning done for exercise today!

Breakfast was wholemeal pitta with scrambled eggs, greek yogurt and berries.

Lunch was a mussel salad with edamame beans, cherries and a greengage.

Dinner was cajun spiced chicken fillets with carrot/swede mash, salad and roasted Brussels sprouts. 

Cals 1395

Carbs 102.1

Protein 130.7

Sugar 58.3

Fat 49.1

Fibre 28.1

Sunday, 9 August 2020

9th August 2020


Finally got a few things done today despite the heat!

Breakfast was quite early; wholemeal pitta with cheese spread, ham and edamame beans.

Lunch in contrast was very late.....Chicken Chorizo & rice soup, (another) wholemeal pitta with cheese 😕 feeling the need for "comfort" food today, fruits and mixed nuts.

Dinner was the much loved Chicken & Pepper curry, with spinach instead of rice.

Cals 1391

Carbs 135

Protein 86.7

Sugar 57.9

Fat 52.2

Fibre 30.7

Week 14


Saturday, 8 August 2020

8th August 2020

Struggled a bit today with the munchies, Im sort of looking forward to weigh day and fresh start to the week tommorow.

Thought I would show you what I have for "1st" breakfast.
Benecol to reduce my lipids, two Goli jellies (apple cyder vinegar; help with digestion, show good blood sugar reducing in diabetics and reportedly reduces appetite), two Well Woman supplements, two tumeric tablets (for joint pain; they exploded during my Covid+), a (very large) VitD supplement, 2x BP reducing tablets (the joys of being a porker) and finally the tablet to help my liver recover from the clotting issues that Covid+ left me.

Actual breakfast was cheese spread and marmite on wholemeal pitta.

Walking the Woof today was fun! bless him he looks chastised as I had just told him off for licking my ear!!

Lunch was herring salad with berries and greek 0% yogurt, cherries and a greengage!!  I am loving edamame beans at the moment (those are the little green pea looking things!)

Dinner was another salad with mussels.  (sadly I cooked some chicken for the cats and ended up munching on the crunchy skin as I was shredding up 😕 - I had cals left over from another day so I added them on to that day - will show at the weeks stats)  but I felt disappointed with myself.

Cals  1469
Carbs 124.5
Protein 130
Sugar 70.6
Fat 47.6
Fibre 39.8
Salt 8.85