So I have been asked a few times now if its ok to eat fruit.... basically the answer is YES!!
However, it has to be fresh or frozen fruit - not smoothies or juice, dried, baked or canned (with syrup); basically any fruit that is altered in any way or has ADDED sugar.
The point is to enjoy the fruit in its natural form, this way the bulk of the fruit fills you up.
In addition, the sugar in fruit is not treated the same in the body as the processed added sugars.
Fruit contains a mix of natural sugars; sucrose, glucose and mainly fructose. Many people have heard that sugar is bad for you, especially if diabetic; which is true.
However, fructose is only harmful in excess amounts and you are unlikely to eat that much in one day/sitting by eating whole fruits.
Fruit is also a good source of other nutrients such as potassium, vitamins, minerals and flavonoids; all of which can reduce blood pressure, prevent heart disease and help our cells to work, and mine need all the help they can get!!
So my daily platter and odd bit of fruit during the day as part of my meal is not harmful.
Being diabetic HAS changed the way I eat and view my food, BUT no food is off limits, they just need to be monitored and I need to stay in control.
Understanding portion control to every element of a menu is coming slowly. My brain still wants a massive plate of comfort food, but my body is actually not allowing that any more.
I'm learning to listen to it.
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